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- Swimming Pool
Swimming Pool
For nearly 40 years Great Tey Primary School had its own outdoor swimming pool, which enabled all pupils at the school to benefit from daily swimming lessons during the summer term, for six weeks.
In 2015 the pool was partially drained to investigate the costs of essential repairs and this revealed that the pool structure had degraded to the point that, sadly, the pool could not be used again.
The Headteacher and Governing Body reviewed the future of the pool and, due to the fact that the pool was originally built by members of the local community and remained a valued community asset, welcomed the community to join them in reviewing and considering the future of the pool.
The school held two public meetings for the purpose of presenting the facts to the community, and to welcome the community to put their views across in open discussions at the end of the meetings.
A group of 10 trustees from Great Tey was formed to evaluate the potential redevelopment of the pool site. Fund raising initiatives have been put into place and bids placed for grant funding to try to raise in the region of £200,000. The aim is to lengthen and deepen the pool and to cover it with a permanent enclosure to enable use all year round by the primary school, and the community.
The trustees presented a business plan to the Governing Body of the school for consideration and plans were drawn up and submitted to the Colchester Borough Council for planning permission. Planning Permission was granted in February 2021, following a year's delay due to the Covid19 pandemic.
The trustees are currently working on formulating a legal agreement for leasing the land from the Governing Body and Diocese, and this is currently in the hands of the Diocesan solicitor.
The trustees have met with various commercial swimming schools, qualified pool plant operators, and swimming teachers who have shown an interest in working in partnership with us. We are keen to work with as many members of the community as possible to see if we can get the pool refurbished and covered. It will be a fabulous asset for the school and local community.
We are currently recruiting new committee members to join our fund-raising team, and are also looking for a Secretary. If you feel you have the skills needed for either of these roles, have time on your hands, and would like to get involved and help us achieve our goal, please do get in touch with us. Please call Norma on 01206 210417 or 07712 250458, or email Helen on Greatteycommunitypool@gmail.com. We would really welcome your help and look forward to hearing from you.
Updated: 2nd February 2022 by Helen Dow Treasurer of Great Tey Community Pool Board of Trustees
The following can be viewed here:
- School Update 6th May 2016
- Minutes of public meetings held on Wednesday 24th Feb Friday 26th Feb
- Slides of the public presentation
- Update from the Governing Body following public meetings
- School update following public meetings
- Evidence from the community in support of the project