School Day
In line with Government guidance, our school week is now 32.5 hrs.
The school day is set out below:
Breakfast Club begins at 7.45am each day - places can be booked (either regular sessions or ad-hoc) by emailing the office.
Gates open at 8.30am; children play on the field or playground under staff supervision
Teachers take children into class at 8.40
Registration is at 8.45am. Children arriving after 9am are marked late.
Morning Playtime
Our morning playtime is at 10.30am - 10.50am. Before play, children in Reception and Key Stage 1 have a fruit snack which is provided for them. Children in KS2 are encouraged to bring a healthy snack with them for their playtime snack.
Children under 5 are offered free milk on daily basis. This is given to the children in Ducklings as part of their snack time.
Children in Ducklings and Sparrows Class have lunch from 12.00 - 1.00; children in Robins from 12.20 - 1.15 and in Woodpeckers from 12.30 - 1.15pm. We are able to provide hot school meals, cooked on the premises and based on a rota of menus which are available from the school office. School meals are free to children in EYFS and KS1 and cost £2.50 per day for children in KS2, other than those children who are eligible for Free School Meals. Meals are ordered each morning in class - children can select between a hot meat meal, a vegetarian hot meal, or a jacket potato / roll with a choice of fillings. Alternatively, they can bring a packed lunch from home. Please speak to the school office about school lunches and for advice about whether or not you may be eligible for Free School Meals. Older children who are entitled to free school meals can also access free school milk, which is served at lunchtime. Please contact the school office for more information.
Our school day ends at 3.15 pm. Parents should enter by the playpark gate or office gate. For children in Ducklings and Sparrows, parents should go round to the EYFS outside area and wait on the playground there - children will be sent out to you. Parents of pupils in Robins and Woodpeckers should wait on the main playground for children to be brought out.
Some parents of pupils in Y6 may give their permission for children to walk home alone - if you would like your child to walk home by themselves we would ask that you give your permission in writing. If you know you may be late to collect your child from school, or if someone different is collecting your child, please telephone and let the office know. Please note that we will not send a child home with another adult, or allow them to walk home themselves, unless we have your express permission in writing, in person or by phone. Parents are asked to complete a form detailing those adults who are authorised to collect a child at the start of their time at Great Tey and to keep this information up to date.
After School Clubs
We have at least one activity club after school each day. Clubs run from 3.15pm - 4.15pm.
As well as our after-school activity clubs, we have also run an after-school club called Bear Club on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays until 5.30pm. Please contact the office for further information. (Monday sessions can be made available if there is enough demand; please let us know if you would be interested).