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Great Tey Primary School

Great Tey Primary School

Safeguarding Information

Great Tey takes the safety and wellbeing of all its pupils very seriously.  The school has a designated Safeguarding Lead, Lucy Overton, and two deputy Safeguarding Leads, Victoria Brummitt and Denise Tucker.  Anyone who has a concern about the welfare of a child is encouraged to report those concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Lead in order to receive advice about next steps.

Staff, Governors and Visitors to the school, including supply teachers, receive a copy of our safeguarding booklet on how to respond if they are concerned about a child.  A copy of this leaflet is available from the school office.   The following leaflet sets out how the school will respond to safeguarding concerns, and the responsibilities of parents -


Safeguarding Information Booklet for Parents

The following may also be of interest, and can be found in the Policies page of the website -

Child Protection Policy

Peer Abuse Policy

Health, Safety and Wellbeing policy

Intimate Care Policy

Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy