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Great Tey Primary School

Great Tey Primary School

Pupil Comments June 2023


What do I like best about my school?

  • Ducklings Class -  I love it at school, it’s so good!

    I love my friends and I love eating all my lunch!

    Learning topic, playing role play, craft and messy play

    Learning, playing, having friends

    The books and learning my phonics

    I like everything—the teachers help me learn.  I like learning about maths and phonics.  I like playtime.

    Going to church, playing with my friends, choosing time

  •  Sparrows Class - 

    I like maths, lunchtime, Moon Zoom,  Golden Time, playing with my friends, learning new things

    I like everything especially maths and reading

    Playing with friends, learning new things, topic, church, PE, clubs, wonderful teachers, Moon Zoom topic, Rio de Vida topic

    Topic, clubs, raffle ticket prizes, playing with friends, golden time, trips, camp, PHSE, sharing books, learning new things, craft.

    Pokemon club, reading, lunch break, playtime, grown ups, golden time, raffle ticket time.

    PE, pokemon club, playing manhunt

    Castles and Rio de Vida topics, DT, golden time, playing with friends.

    Maths, golden time, breakfast club, lunch play, Moon Zoom, PHSE

    Reading to the teacher



    Woodpeckers Class - The teachers are all nice to everyone 

    I like that learning is fun 

    I like the people, the environment and the teachers

    Friends and teachers, that there’s not too many people in the school

    Art, history and music

    It’s easy to make friends.  People are kind here and I feel safe.

    Everyone is lovely and the learning is fun.  We do lessons outside.