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Great Tey Primary School

Great Tey Primary School

Although our very small cohorts can make data analysis difficult and uninformative, we are delighted with our SATs results this year.  Due to our class sizes, with far fewer than 30 pupils in each class, and because of the small and friendly nature of our school, we attract higher than average numbers of pupils with special educational needs, but almost all of our pupils passed the KS2 reading test and the vast majority passed the other SATs tests in Maths and Grammar too.   We are proud of the progress all of our pupils make whilst here, but our SATs results are a real credit to the teachers, parents and pupils who have worked exceptionally hard.

 2024 KS2 SATs results 

Y6 - 12 pupils

(each child = 8% of the data)

% of children achieving age related expectations at Great Tey % of children achieving age related expectations nationally % of children achieving greater depth at Great Tey % of children achieving greater depth nationally
Reading 92%   74%  8%





No data available currently

(Teacher Assessed)
75% 72% 17%
Maths 75%  73%  17%
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 83%  72%  33%
Combined Reading, Writing and Maths 67% 61% 8%


2024 Phonics Check Results


% of children achieving the expected standard at Great Tey % of children achieving the expected standard nationally
Year 1  (8 pupils, each child = 12% of the data) 88% 79% (2023 data)
Year 2 (12 pupils, each child = 8% of the data) 92% 89% (2023 data)