Friends of Great Tey
All parents and friends of the school are automatically offered membership of this active association. It acts as a focus for those who wish to assist the school in fund raising and by offering other voluntary help.
FoGT activities are co-ordinated by a committee elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. A variety of events are run and these provide a friendly forum for parents, staff and friends to meet, discuss and work together. Events have included fetes, a street party, a camping weekend and coffee mornings. Fund raising has enabled the provision of many essential items in school.
FoGT also support regular funding towards educational visits and trips; run regular craft workshops for children; organise the annual leavers disco.
In addition, members are always available to provide voluntary help at most school activities.
FoGT look forward to meeting you.
Click here for the minutes of the PTA AGM Oct 2023
In the last year, FoGT have funded over £4000 for the following:
2 outdoor picnic benches, a visit from a travelling Pantomine, a contribution for each child towards school trips, D&T/Science Resources, Buddy sign for the playground, class resources and consumable items such as gluesticks and white board pens, library reorganisation and new library books.