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Great Tey Primary School

Great Tey Primary School

Severe Weather Procedure

There may be some occasions where a decision is made to close the school due to severe weather conditions.  This decision is taken only after considerable thought and where there are concerns for safety. 

In the event of bad weather, a message will be sent out by School Ping alerting parents to any planned closures.  Parents can also check our website, where we will post a headline under the News and Events menu tab - look under Severe Weather Closures for the date and a message about whether or not the school is open.     Parents can also check the Essex County council website, which gives a list of emergency school closures - please click here for the site.

In some cases, the school may close due to severe weather during the school day. In this event, you will be contacted by School Ping and email and asked to collect your child as soon as possible.  We may also phone if we think parents may not have picked up the message.  Pupils will be cared for by members of staff until they can be collected.

Please ensure all contact details are kept up to date, thank you