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Great Tey Primary School

Great Tey Primary School


PHSE (Personal, Health and Social Education) is an important part of our school curriculum.  It helps children to develop the skills they need to form and keep healthy relationships; to value themselves and others; to resolve conflict and disagreements; to keep themselves safe and healthy through making good decisions about healthy eating, online safety, exercise, sleep and many other aspects of their day-to-day lives.  PHSE also includes our Relationships and Sex education, which teaches children about changes to their own bodies, healthy relationships and, in an age-appropriate way, how babies are made.  At Great Tey, Relationships and Sex education is taught from a Christian perspective of loving relationships

PHSE is taught through an online curriculum called Coram Life SCARF.  SCARF stands for Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship.  It is taught on a two-year cycle, focusing on aspects such as Me and My Relationships; Valuing Difference; Keeping Myself Safe; Rights and Responsibilities, Being My Best; Growing and Changing.  Our aim is to help children develop the decision-making skills necessary to live safe and fulfilling lives.  A parent information sheet about SCARF can be found here.  PHSE is an important but non-statutory curriculum subject - Government guidance on PHSE can be found here.

What do we learn?

Whole School Curriculum Map

Our Whole School Curriculum Map for PHSE can be found here.  It shows how different personal, health, social and emotional skills will be developed over your child's time at Great Tey. 

(To decide which year we are in, A or B, years starting in an 'odd' year - September 2023, 2025 etc. - are Year A, years beginning in an 'even' year - September 2022, 2024 etc. - are Year B.)

Class Maps

Please see below for our Class Maps, which give further information on skills development in your child's class. 


Click on your child's class below for PHSE Cycle A covering the year 2023-2024 

Ducklings (Blocks A and B are the same for Reception)




Click on your child's class below for PHSE Cycle B covering the year  2022-2023 / 2024-2025

Ducklings (Blocks A and B are the same for Reception)


