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Great Tey Primary School

Great Tey Primary School


Please click here for our Curriculum Statement 

Please see individual subject pages for more information, this page includes links to general documents.


Click here for a link to the National Curriculum

Click here for a link to the new EYFS Statutory Curriculum (for children in Reception 2021-22)

Click here for a link to Development Matters (non-statutory guidance for children in Reception)


 The National Curriculum is a framework that, as a school, we have to follow to ensure that our teaching and learning is  balanced and consistent. It sets out the subjects taught (e.g. Science, ICT, Design Technology, Art, Music etc); the knowledge, skills and understanding required in each subject and the standards or attainment targets in each subject, which teachers use to measure your child’s progress and plan the next steps for learning.

Teachers have worked  hard to look for opportunities to link themes and objectives which engage and involve the children in their learning experience and prepare them for the 21st century. We want to offer a curriculum that is not just relevant to the community but to also to the wider world.  Children need to be excited by their learning, be involved in the process and have some anticipation about what might come next. We want to inspire children by drawing on skills from different areas for example dance, drama, the arts and  technology.  A creative curriculum can help children to think for themselves and branch out into areas of curiosity and interest.

 At Great Tey:

¨ We believe that our school should be a place of partnership in learning and growing between pupils, parents, teachers, staff and governors.

¨ We aim to give equal opportunities for developing the talents and skills of the whole community, children and adults.

¨ We believe everyone should feel valued and their opinions and needs  respected.

¨ Adults should provide positive role models compatible with those of  Christian care and consideration.

¨ We aim to use our community as a place to develop academically, spiritually, morally and socially, to enable children to take their place in the wider community.

¨ We want our children to develop into well equipped, independent and  responsible learners and thinkers.

¨ We will teach the skills needed to develop a happy, healthy and balanced life style.

¨ We will provide a challenging and well resourced environment.

¨ We will provide a well planned, rich and varied curriculum in keeping with the National Curriculum.

Within our School Improvement Plan we identify key priorities each year to develop in relation to the curriculum.  This year we plan:

  • To promote pupils' independent learning.
  • To ensure all pupils make good or better progress through high quality teaching; interventions to assist children who require more support and challenge for more able pupils.

If you would like more information on the curriculum we follow at Great Tey, please talk to your child's class teacher or to Mrs. Overton.