Developing our Vision With Governors
In October 2022, the Headteacher and Chair of Governors attended Diocesan training on developing the school's vision. Following discussion at a Full Governing Body Meeting in November, a committee of Governors met to look at the work done already with pupils and parents and to decide on the way forward. At the meeting, it was agreed that, given the strength of pupil and parent support for our Golden Rule, this should form the basis of our vision.
Following on from this, our Vision and the theological basis for it is clearly set out in the room where all Governing Body meetings take place. All Governors know and understand our vision and the process by which it was adopted. The school's work to create our vision, and its impact, is set out in Headteacher Reports for Governors to consider and ask questions about. Our previous Foundation Governor, Rev'd Scott-Thompson, regularly visited the school to monitor the impact of our vision, though his post is currently vacant. The school has Collective Worship through Open the Book assemblies, delivered by members of the local church.